Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unworthy Of Being Worthy

Before I begin this new wonderful adventure on blogger, I want to inform you all of my Tumbler account ( I started 'Blogging" on the 4th of February, and needles to say it's been a bumpy ride. I started out with every intention of blogging regularly, but life took over, I got busy, and my blogging kinda went to a standstill. However, it's a new day and a new blogging website so let's get started shall we?

First off, let's clear the air about what the title of this blog actually means. Unworthy Of Being Worthy has everything to do with being a Christ follower. It's about living out your faith, not just merely speaking it. No one, Let me repeat NO ONE has any right to call themselves worthy of anything. We are all nasty, filthy people in need of forgiveness of a great sovereign Savior. A Savior who has been passionately pursuing us since Adam and Eve messed things up in the Garden of Eden many many years ago. A Savior who knew no sin, but became sin so that we may become the righteousness of God. We are ALL unworthy, but to Jesus Christ we're considered worthy.... Wow! What a Savior.

This is the first of many more post. The post will probably range in different topics, but they will all have a common underlying truth; that we all are unworthy, but because Jesus Christ paid the ransom for our sins we all can be considered worthy through his eyes.

~ Heather